Black to Success: A Culturally Enriched Social Skills Program For Adolescent Black Males

The Technology: Black to Success (B2S) - A Culturally Enriched Social Skills Program

The Black to Success (B2S) program is a groundbreaking and culturally enriched social skills program designed to empower African American male students within the urban school context. This transformative program combines Afrocentric mentoring and social skill instruction, creating a holistic approach to developing an optimal learnig enviroment for students. By embedding culturally relevant content and strategies into the curriculum, B2S fosters a sense of identity, belonging, and academic engagement, ultimately helping students thrive in their academic journeys.

Commercial Applications:

  • Educational Programs and Institutions: Colleges, universities, and educational institutions focused on diversity and inclusion can adopt B2S to create a supportive environment for African American students.


  • Improved Academic Engagement: B2S has demonstrated a positive impact on academic engagement among African American male students, leading to increased focus on studies and improved academic performance.
  • Culturally Empowered Students: The program's Afrocentric approach helps students develop a strong sense of cultural identity and pride, fostering a positive self-image and boosting overall well-being.
  • Enhanced Community and School Relationships: Implementing B2S can strengthen community-school relationships, promoting collaboration between educators, parents, and local organizations to support the success of African American students.

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