Electrocatalytic grafting and modification of polyvinylchlorides and chloroparaffins

The Need

Polyvinylchloride (PVC) is a widely used plastic, but its inherent limitations—brittleness, thermal instability, and poor shear strength—pose significant challenges for diverse applications, from medical packaging to construction. Conventional PVC modification relies on high loadings of plasticizers and stabilizers, hindering recyclability and environmental safety. The need for a breakthrough technology to overcome these limitations and provide controlled macromolecular properties in PVC is evident.

The Technology

Our groundbreaking technology enables on-polymer bond functionalization of PVC, allowing precise control over its physical properties. Through selective activation and functionalization of C—Cl bonds, our method eliminates the reliance on non-covalent additives, providing a sustainable and controlled approach to PVC modification. The use of electrosynthesis, merging with metal-catalyzed organic synthesis, allows for unprecedented selective functionalization of inert C—Cl bonds under mild conditions.

Commercial Applications

  • Medical Packaging: Enhance the durability and safety of PVC-based medical packaging without compromising FDA regulations.
  • Construction Materials: Improve the longevity and strength of PVC-based construction materials, ensuring higher performance.
  • Wiring and Plumbing: Create PVC formulations with enhanced thermal stability for more reliable wiring and plumbing applications.
  • Flooring Solutions: Develop flexible PVC flooring with controlled properties, eliminating the need for high plasticizer loadings.
  • Closed-Loop Recycling: Facilitate closed-loop recycling of PVC, reducing environmental impact and supporting sustainable practices.


  • Precise Property Control: Achieve tailored physical properties in PVC without the drawbacks of traditional plasticizers and stabilizers.
  • Extended Lifespan: Correct polymer defects to yield materials with longer lifetimes, enhancing overall product sustainability.
  • Unlimited Recyclability: Enable the creation of new materials that can be reversibly assembled into chloropolymers, promoting infinite recyclability.
  • Environmental Compliance: Address environmental concerns by eliminating toxic stabilizers, ensuring compliance with FDA regulations.
  • Scalability and User Control: Electrochemical synthesis provides a scalable and controllable approach, allowing user-defined parameters for optimal results.

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