Metalloproteins as a tunable scaffold for constructing quantum bits and dits for use in quantum information storage and processing

The Need: As the second quantum revolution progresses, the demand for robust quantum materials intensifies, particularly in the realm of quantum computation and information processing. Addressing the challenges of coherence and stability in qubits is crucial for advancing quantum technology towards practical applications.

The Technology: In response to this need, the development of molecular spin qubits, specifically using rubredoxin (Rd) as a platform for binding vanadyl ion ((V=O)2+), has shown promising characteristics. Utilizing continuous-wave electron paramagnetic resonance (cwEPR) spectroscopy, (V=O)Rd has demonstrated stability down to at least 77 K, making it viable for qubit exploration. Pulsed-EPR techniques are employed to quantify the decoherence rate, crucial for assessing its potential as a qubit material.

Commercial Applications:

  • Quantum computation and information processing
  • Industrial applications requiring higher temperature operation
  • Creation of organized and localized arrays for quantum technology


  • Enhanced stability and coherence at higher temperatures (77 K)
  • Utilization of rubredoxin-based qubits offers controllability and tunability
  • Covalent immobilization onto surfaces facilitates further study and practical applications
  • Potential for creating organized arrays on surfaces for addressability
  • Versatile applications including in graphene-based systems like graphene–MoS2

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