Highly Efficient Light Olefin Selectivity & Production Process

Light olefins, such as ethylene and propylene, are essential building blocks in the petrochemical industry and have a wide range of uses in various applications. The most common uses for olefins include polymers, chemical intermediates, solvents, rubber, and nanomaterials, among others.

The Need

Although Light olefins are used globally in many products, the catalytic processes to produce them are energy intensive with a large carbon footprint and the production of greenhouse gases and water pollution. As a result, substantial efforts are being made in the industry to develop more sustainable production methods, increase recycling rates, and reduce the environmental impact of olefin production.

The Technology

This technology describes methods for enhancing olefin production and selectivity in high-temperature electrocatalytic oxidative dehydrogenation of light alkanes and oxidative coupling of methane processes. The process involves modifying perovskite anode surfaces electrochemically through an exsolution process. Thus far, the inventors have prototyped the process and shown the ability to significantly increase the selectivity of nanoparticles from bulk perovskite.

Commercial Applications

This invention can be used to develop and manufacture metallic alloys, polymers, and nanoparticles from light olefins. This technology can be applied to Chemical Manufacturing, Energy Sector, Environmental Applications, Innovation in Materials, and
Automotive and Aerospace Industries.


Compared to existing catalytic light olefin production methods, this invention substantially reduces the energy requirements for selectivity and production. The enhancement process can be achieved using wind, solar, and/or other renewable energy

Patent Protection

• U.S. Provisional patent application filed

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