# of Displayed Technologies: 4 / 4

Applied Category Filter (Click To Remove): Oncology


Humanized SSTR2 mAb and ADC to target SSTR2+ tumors
TS-066912 — Targeted humanized mAbs and ADCs for cancer treatment
The Liu Lab Dr. Xiaoguang “Margaret” Liu applies her industry experience (Lonza, Merck, and Life Technologies) in cell line and process development towards her lab’s focus on targeted anti-cancer therapies including monoclonal antibodies, antibody-drug conjugates, and gene therapi…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Liu, Xiaoguang "Margaret"; Zhou, Lufang
  • Licensing Officer: Schworer, Adam

Tracking Breast Tissue Tumor Cavity after Lumpectomy
TS-062715 — Radiopaque biodegradable polymer for the tracking of the breast tissue tumor cavity after lumpectomy and other radiation therapy applications
Approximately 40% of women diagnosed with breast cancer undergo a lumpectomy procedure. Approximately 170,000 lumpectomie are performed each yaer in the United States. Typically, this operation is followed by radiation therapy to ensure there are no remaining cancerous cells in the region. It is t…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Metzler, Sandra; Elisha, Deji; Evans, Izzy; Fedro, Joseph; Krakovsky, Mia; Sherry, Adam; Skoracki, Roman
  • Licensing Officer: Zinn, Ryan

Folding Transducer Array for Compact and Deployable Wave-Energy Guiding System
TS-043186 — A novel acoustic/ultrasonic wave-energy guiding system that utilizes structural topology to enhance directional and spectral sensitivities instead of phase delay, offering exceptional versatility and adaptable performance.
Although acoustic beamforming systems that are based on phase delays can be used to enhance directional and spectral sensitivities, each source or receiver must be individually controlled by appropriate phase delays to guide the acoustic energy radiation/reception sensitivities. This results in a …
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Harne, Ryan
  • Licensing Officer: Zinn, Ryan

Cancer Cell Motility Monitoring Device
TS-038384 — A novel device for monitoring cancer cell motility in real time using standard microscopy.
The Need Numerous cancer cells are capable of migration, resulting in metastasis of distinct organs and tissues from where the cancer first arose. Migrating cancer cells are known to directionally respond to applied electric fields, a phenomenon called electrotaxis, as well as topological cues prov…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Garg, Ayush; Bushman, Sarah; Ferree, Jessica; Jones, Travis; Song, Jonathan "Jon"; Subramaniam, Vishwanath
  • Licensing Officer: He, Panqing

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