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A Wearable Integrated System of Augmented Reality for Targeted Pathologic Specimen Sampling
TS-037535 — An integrated system to improve the quality of analysis of the resected tumor specimen that provides the pathologist with the latest technological and scientific advancements.
In the field of cancer pathology, the identification and sampling of tumors is essential for both surgical applications and treatment plans for patients that may include post-operative chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. Currently pathologists and pathologist assistants rely on visual and tacti…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Yilmaz, Alper; Hall, Nathan; Hitchcock, Charles; Lee, Young Jin; Martin, Edward; Nichols, Shawnn; Ozer, Enver; Povoski, Stephen; Sachire, Jennifer; Xu, Ronald
  • Licensing Officer: Hampton, Andrew

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