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3D subwavelength photonic detector coupled with dielectric resonator antenna
TS-063055 — New LWIR detector combining a dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) with a semiconductor absorber for improved signal, noise, and speed performance
Long Wavelength Infrared (LWIR) detectors are crucial in various fields, but traditional detectors face significant drawbacks in terms of size, thermal noise, and coupling efficiencies. Current detectors use cryogenic cooling in the form of mercury cadmium telluride (MCT), a significant drawback d…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Krishna, Sanjay; Ball, Christopher; Kazemi, Alireza; Ronningen, TJ; Shu, Qingyuan
  • Licensing Officer: Zinn, Ryan

Antimonide based Separate Absorption Charge and Multiplication Avalanche Photodiode
TS-062892 — A room temperature, ultra-high gain (M=278, λ=1550 nm, V=69.5 V, T=296 K) linear mode avalanche photodiode (APD) on an InP substrate using a GaAs0.5Sb0.5/Al0.85Ga0.15As0.56Sb0.44 separate absorption charge and multiplication (SACM) heterostructure.
An APD is a semiconductor-based analog of the photomultiplier. APDs exploit the impact ionization phenomenon and transform infrared (IR) light (l > 850 nm) into photocurrent. APDs have wide applicability; however, existing APDs have insufficient sensitivity and relatively high excess noise an…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Krishna, Sanjay; Jung, Hyemin; Lee, Seunghyun
  • Licensing Officer: Randhawa, Davinder

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