# of Displayed Technologies: 2 / 2


On-Chip Optical Polarization Rotator
TS-015265 — Chip-scale broadband and tunable polarization rotator with low insertion loss whose purpose is to dynamically control optical polarization in photonic integrated circuits
Optical polarization controllers and rotators are necessary components to control optical polarization in bulk bench-scale optics. Current approaches to achieve on-chip polarization control on a chip include asymmetric gratings, waveguides with asymmetric slanted sidewalls, dual core waveguides wi…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Reano, Ronald; Sun, Peng
  • Licensing Officer: Zinn, Ryan

New anthracycline analogues to overcome multidrug resistance
TS-015117 — Analogues therapy to overcome multi-drug resistance in cancer cells
The Need Daunorubicin is the standard anthracycline agent, a class of anti-tumor compounds used widely in the treatment of a variety of cancers. As multiple drug resistance and toxicity are serious clinical problems associated with daunorubicin, researchers have focused on improving this common …
  • College: College of Pharmacy
  • Inventors: Sun, Duxin; Fang, Lanyan; Wang, Peng George; Zhang, Guisheng
  • Licensing Officer: He, Panqing

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