Improved pyranoanthocyanin formation

The Need: Food companies face increasing demand for naturally derived colorants due to consumers' health concerns over synthetic dyes. While anthocyanins from fruits and vegetables offer vibrant colors, they are subject to degradation and have limited stability under various conditions, making them less suitable for commercial applications. There is a clear need for a technology that allows for the synthesis of stable pigments, such as pyranoanthocyanins, from natural sources in significantly shorter time periods, enabling their large-scale production for use as food colorants.

The Technology: The disclosed technology provides methods for the synthesis of pyranoanthocyanins, which are derived from natural sources and offer enhanced stability compared to traditional anthocyanins. These methods allow for the production of pyranoanthocyanins in just a few hours, a vast improvement over the natural synthesis process that could take weeks or months. By leveraging specific chemical reactions and employing bacterium expressing phenolic acid decarboxylase, the technology accelerates the formation of pyranoanthocyanins, making them more suitable for use as naturally derived pigments in the food industry.

Commercial Applications:

  • Food Colorants: The technology can be applied to produce stable pyranoanthocyanin-based colorants, meeting the increasing demand for natural and safer alternatives to synthetic dyes in the food industry.
  • Beverage Industries: Pyranoanthocyanin colorants can enhance the visual appeal of various beverages, including juices, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages.
  • Confectionery: The vibrant and stable colors of pyranoanthocyanins can be used to create eye-catching confectionery products like candies and sweets.
  • Cosmetics: The technology can be extended to the cosmetics industry for creating natural and sustainable colorants for various makeup and personal care products.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Pyranoanthocyanins can be explored as potential colorants for pharmaceutical formulations, adding both visual appeal and natural sourcing to medications.


  • Shortened Synthesis Time: The technology reduces the time required for pyranoanthocyanin synthesis from natural sources from weeks or months to just a few hours, enabling large-scale production in a more efficient manner.
  • Enhanced Stability: Pyranoanthocyanins offer superior stability compared to traditional anthocyanins, making them less prone to degradation under varying pH, temperature, or light conditions.
  • Natural and Safe: As pigments derived from natural sources, pyranoanthocyanins meet the growing demand for naturally derived and safe colorants, addressing consumers' health concerns related to synthetic dyes.
  • Wide Applications: The technology opens up diverse commercial applications, ranging from food and beverages to cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, due to the versatile nature of pyranoanthocyanin colorants.
  • Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly: By using natural sources and avoiding the need for synthetic colorants, the technology aligns with sustainability goals and supports environmentally friendly practices in the industry.

In conclusion, the synthesis of pyranoanthocyanins using this technology presents an exciting opportunity for the food, beverage, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industries to embrace naturally derived and stable colorants that cater to both consumer demands and environmental considerations. With its shortened synthesis time, enhanced stability, and wide applications, the technology is well-positioned to revolutionize the field of natural colorants and drive forward the market for sustainable and visually appealing products.

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