A Novel African Swine Fever Vaccine

The Need: Addressing the Threat of African Swine Fever Virus (ASF)

African swine fever (ASF) presents a severe commercial burden given the highly contagious and deadly nature of the viral disease. With no existing treatment or vaccine available, ASF outbreaks have devastated domestic and feral pig populations across numerous global regions. The potential arrival of ASF in the United States could lead to dire consequences for pork producers and economy. To avert this risk and proactively address ASF outbreaks, a novel vaccine solution is urgently required.

The Technology: ASF Multiepitope Nanoparticle Vaccine

Using advanced in-silico modeling and prediction tools a synthetic protein possessing multiple key immunogenic epitopes from ASF viral proteins has been engineered. This multiepitope protein is produced and then combined with mannose-conjugated chitosan nanoparticles. This combination aims to induce robust and protective immune responses against various circulating and emerging ASF viral strains.


  • Broad Protection: The novel approach of combining key epitopes from multiple ASF viral proteins in a single synthetic protein increases the potential for broad and robust immunity against different ASF viral strains.
  • Enhanced Immune Response: Utilizing mannose-conjugated chitosan nanoparticles enhances vaccine delivery and uptake, leading to stronger immune responses and better protection against ASF.
  • Proactive Preparedness: By developing an effective vaccine intervention for ASF, the technology enables countries to be proactive in their defense, protecting pigs against ASF outbreaks before they occur.

Commercial Application:

  • ASF Outbreak Control: The ASF multiepitope nanoparticle vaccine makes both controlling and preventing ASF outbreaks possible.
  • Global Biosecurity: The ASF vaccine can bolster global biosecurity measures, safeguarding the swine industry and preventing the further spread of ASF to new regions.
  • Economic Stability: The ASF vaccine contributes to maintaining stability in the pork industry by mitigating the risk of ASF introduction into the U.S. and other regions.

The ASF multiepitope nanoparticle vaccine presents a promising solution to the pressing and unmet commercial need for an effective ASF vaccine. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and innovative vaccine design, we offer a proactive approach to safeguarding the swine industry, preventing economic losses, and securing the global pork supply chain..

Patent Pending

Provisional patent filed.

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