Addressing the Challenges in HCC Treatment with Innovative Technology

Novel niclosamide analogues with improved bioavailability and mitigated dose-limiting toxicities.

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) poses a significant global health challenge, being a predominant form of liver cancer with high mortality rates. The disease exhibits sexual dimorphism, disproportionately affecting males.

The Need

Despite the crucial role of androgen receptors (AR) in HCC progression, anti-androgen therapies have shown limited efficacy. Recent discoveries of ligand-independent AR splice variants (AR-SVs) in HCC have opened new avenues for therapeutic intervention. However, the potential of niclosamide, a promising anti-HCC agent, has been hindered by poor bioavailability and dose-limiting toxicities.

The Technology

Researchers at The Ohio State University have developed novel analogues of niclosamide, a proven anthelmintic drug, to enhance its therapeutic potential against AR/AR-SV positive HCC. By leveraging the insights gained from key functional groups of niclosamide, our approach aims to improve bioavailability, reduce first-pass metabolism, and mitigate dose-limiting toxicities.

Commercial Applications:

  • HCC Treatment
  • Anticancer Drug Development
  • Sex Hormone-Related Disorders


  • Enhanced Efficacy: Our novel niclosamide analogues to target AR/AR-SV positive HCC with improved effectiveness.
  • Improved Bioavailability: By optimizing the drug’s structure, we have successfully enhanced oral exposure, overcoming the limitations of poor bioavailability.
  • Reduced Toxicity: Our novel niclosamide analogues demonstrate a reduction in dose-limiting gastrointestinal toxicities.
  • Diverse Application: The insights gained from this research open pathways for developing novel therapies for related diseases beyond HCC.

Provisional Patent Application pending

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