Transforming PAH Management with PHORA: Empowering Physicians for Better Patient Care

The Pulmonary Hypertension Outcomes Risk Assessment (PHORA): a PAH risk stratification tool.

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) demands precise risk stratification for effective patient management. Clinical decision support tools can help inform treatment decisions made by physicians and other healthcare providers, usually at the point of care.

The Need

Current methods for assisting clinical decisions relating to PAH lack the sophistication required to predict patient outcomes accurately, leading to suboptimal treatment decisions and higher healthcare costs. A comprehensive tool is needed to empower physicians with timely insights, enabling targeted interventions and referrals.

The Technology:

Researchers at The Ohio State University have developed the Pulmonary Hypertension Outcomes Risk Assessment (PHORA), providing a cutting-edge risk stratification tool for PAH. PHORA offers an intuitive user interface, providing a seamless experience, which enables physicians to effortlessly navigate and interpret patient data. The tool can be integrated with HER systems, ensuring a unified patient profile and can be accessed on a mobile phone or tablet, allowing physicians to make informed decisions anytime, anywhere.

Benefits/Advantages: Revolutionizing PAH Management

  • Proactive Treatment Planning: Empower physicians to identify high-risk patients and tailor treatment plans for optimized outcomes.
  • Clinical Trial Optimization: Revolutionize trial design by utilizing PHORA's predictive capabilities, enhancing trial efficiency and success rates.
  • Workflow Enhancement: Seamlessly integtrate PHORA into clinical workflows, facilitating more informed and efficient patient management.
  • Referral Decisions: Determine the need for advanced diagnostics and referral to specialized PAH centers, ensuring timely interventions.
  • Cost-Effective Care: Reduce healthcare costs by providing early intervention strategies and preventing disease progression.

Benefits/Advantages: Elevating PAH Patient Care

  • Precision Prognosis: PHORA’s machine learning algorithm delivers accurate risk assessment, enabling physicians to predict patient outcomes with confidence
  • Enhanced Workflow: Intuitive integration with existing EHR systems streamlines physician workflows, minimizing administrative burden
  • Mobile Convenience: Stay informed on-the-go with PHORA’s mobile utility, ensuring timely decisions and interventions
  • Optimized Referrals: Identify patients requiring specialized care swiftly, leading to enhanced patient outcomes and reduced disease burden
  • Clinical Confidence: Backed by a multidisciplinary team of experts, PHORA’s insights are rooted in clinical excellence and data-driven precision.

Patent applications pending

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