Ultrawide bandgap oxide semiconductor LiGaO2 with p-type conductivity for power device applicationsThe Need In the realm of power electronics, the industry is seeking advanced semiconductor materials that can address the ever-growing demand for high power density and high-frequency applications. Beta phase gallium oxide (β-Ga2O3) with an ultrawide bandgap (UWBG) of approximately 4.8 eV emerges as a promising solution. However, one significant challenge is the lack of p-type conductivity in Ga2O3, a limitation that hinders its full utilization in power electronic devices. The Technology Our groundbreaking technology involves the integration of β-Ga2O3 with an ultrawide bandgap alongside Li-poor LiGaO2, an UWBG semiconductor that possesses p-type conductivity. By forming a hetero pn junction using these materials, we overcome the fundamental issue of the absence of p-type Ga2O3. This innovative approach unlocks a world of possibilities for the design and development of power electronic devices with unmatched performance. Commercial Applications Our technology presents a myriad of commercial applications, including but not limited to:
Benefits/Advantages The utilization of β-Ga2O3 in conjunction with Li-poor LiGaO2 offers a host of compelling benefits and advantages, including:
In summary, our technology revolutionizes the potential of β-Ga2O3 as a semiconductor material, and the integration of Li-poor LiGaO2 with p-type conductivity opens doors to a new era of high-performance power electronic devices with unprecedented applications and advantages.
Tech IDT2023-372 CollegeLicensing ManagerRandhawa, Davinder Inventors(None) CategoriesExternal Links