Revolutionizing RNA-Protein Interaction Mapping: Precision Proximity Labeling Technology

The Need

In modern biological research, there is a pressing demand for technologies that enable precise mapping of RNA-protein interactions within Ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes. Traditional methods often lack the capability to pinpoint these interactions at the level of secondary structure motifs, hindering comprehensive understanding of cellular processes and identification of potential drug targets.

The Technology

Our groundbreaking technology involves the utilization of bPNA-RNA hybrids to facilitate proximity-biotinylation labeling of RNA binding proteins within RNP complexes. Unlike existing methods, our approach enables precise mapping of interactions at the level of secondary structure motifs, providing unparalleled insight into RNA biology and cellular processes.

Commercial Applications

  • Verification and screening of suspected RNP complexes
  • Identification of novel RNA-protein interactions
  • Discovery of potential drug targets within RNA secondary structure motifs


  • Unprecedented precision in mapping RNA-protein interactions at the level of secondary structure motifs
  • Versatile platform applicable to a wide range of biological research areas
  • Elimination of the need for specialized expertise and cumbersome enzyme conjugation techniques
  • Enables proximity labeling without limitations on RNA context or the use of pendant enzymes
  • Facilitates comprehensive understanding of cellular processes and identification of new drug targets

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