Synthetic approaches for mitigating battery capacity loss in oxide anodes

The Need

The advancement of lithium-ion battery technology relies heavily on increasing energy density, yet practical usage of silicon (Si) anodes faces challenges due to parasitic side reactions and active lithium consumption. Controlling lithium amounts precisely while achieving uniform distribution remains a significant challenge in pre-lithiation techniques. There's a critical need for innovative approaches to pre-lithiation that address these issues and optimize battery performance.

The Technology

Our synthetic approaches aim to compensate for lithium loss in batteries, particularly in silicon anodes. By addressing issues such as electrolyte decomposition and solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) formation, our method reduces lithium loss and ensures a uniform reaction with the oxide present. This approach involves thermal evaporation of lithium metal, enabling precise control of pre-lithiation degree and homogeneous lithium deposition on the anode surface.

Commercial Applications

  • Electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid vehicles
  • Portable electronics and consumer devices
  • Grid-scale energy storage systems
  • Aerospace and defense technologies
  • Medical devices and implantable electronics


  • Improved battery performance: Reduces capacity loss and enhances overall energy density.
  • Enhanced efficiency: Mitigates the need for excess cathode or lithium, optimizing battery design and cost-effectiveness.
  • Precise control: Allows for uniform distribution of lithium, leading to more consistent battery performance.
  • Versatility: Applicable across various battery technologies and applications, from electric vehicles to medical devices.
  • Innovation potential: Continual refinement and optimization of synthetic approaches offer opportunities for further advancements in lithium-ion battery technology.

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