TS-055514 — Embark on a new era of fluidic control with our state-of-t
he-art fluidic oscillator technology with variable sweep, tilt, and inc
lination control as well as adjustable frequency. Experience unmatc
hed precision, adaptabi
lity, and efficiency in your fluidic app
lications. Stay a
head of t
he curve and revolutionize your industry with our innovative solution.
This inventive technology T2018-041 is just one part of a larger, compre
hensive suite of fluidic oscillator technologies offered by T
he Ohio State University for
licensing. To learn more about our ot
her designs, please visit https://oied.osu.edu/find-technologies and search using t
he term: Fluidic Oscillator.
To see a descriptive YouTube video of this technology, please visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2Hn2q5W958.
In the realm of fluidic engineering, a pressing demand exists for a fluidic oscillator that surpasses the
limitations of traditional devices. Current fluidic oscillators struggle with fixed frequencies and sweeping angles, hindering their adaptability to diverse applications. Industries require a …