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"Courseseeds" micro curriculum revenue generator selling individual lessons from full courses.
TS-064247 — The Need: In the era of educational upheaval, where traditional models are giving way to the demand for flexibility and customization, Courseseeds emerges as the solution. Recognizing the shifting landscape of education and the desire for individualized learning experiences, Courseseeds addresses th…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Ezell, Jonathan
  • Licensing Officer: Dahlman, Jason "Jay"

How Are You Feeling Today? Organizational Mental Health Indicator and Real-Time Help Application
TS-064244 — The Need: Organizations, particularly college campuses, are facing a growing challenge in addressing student mental health issues. The rising prevalence of severe psychological problems, anxiety disorders, and depression among students necessitates a proactive and effective solution. The existing ga…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Ezell, Jonathan; Kaufman, Michael
  • Licensing Officer: Dahlman, Jason "Jay"

Louie: An Augmented Reality Sensory Trigger Wayfinding System for People with Autism
TS-043077 — An Augmented Reality Sensory Trigger Wayfinding System for People with Autism
Millions of people on the Autism spectrum face challenges getting from place to place due to sensory sensitivities to sounds, sights, smells, tastes, physical feelings, and crowds. Due to these triggers, people with Autism have a strong need to know where they are going and what will be there so t…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Ezell, Jonathan; Kaufman, Robert; Kaufman, Michael
  • Licensing Officer: Randhawa, Davinder

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