# of Displayed Technologies: 2 / 2


Quantum Leap: Revolutionizing Computing and Sensing with Modular Zero-Dimensional Tunnel Junction Devices
TS-065414 — The Need: Innovations in the field of quantum technology are paramount to addressing the escalating demand for advanced computational capabilities and sensitive sensor applications. As traditional computing methodologies reach their limits, there arises an urgent commercial need for breakthroughs i…
  • College: College of Arts & Sciences
  • Inventors: Johnston-Halperin, Ezekiel; Gupta, Jay; Hamilton, Morgan; Kavand, Marzieh; Koll, Will; Perez-Hoyos, Ethel; Phillips, Zoe
  • Licensing Officer: Dahlman, Jason "Jay"

Metalloproteins as a tunable scaffold for constructing quantum bits and dits for use in quantum information storage and processing
TS-064827 — The Need: As the second quantum revolution progresses, the demand for robust quantum materials intensifies, particularly in the realm of quantum computation and information processing. Addressing the challenges of coherence and stability in qubits is crucial for advancing quantum technology towards …
  • College: College of Arts & Sciences
  • Inventors: Shafaat, Hannah "Hannah"; Johnston-Halperin, Ezekiel; Teptarakulkarn, Pathorn
  • Licensing Officer: Dahlman, Jason "Jay"

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