Rapid Diagnosis of a Disease Condition using Infrared Spectroscopy

This invention aids rapid diagnosis of a disease condition through the use of infrared spectral data and multivariate disease classification models.

The Need: Functional syndromes, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, interstitial cystitis (IC), and irritable bowel syndrome, pose significant challenges for healthcare providers due to their elusive pathophysiological mechanisms and overlapping symptoms with other conditions. The lack of well-accepted diagnostic tests for these syndromes leads to delayed diagnoses, prolonged suffering, and ineffective treatments for patients. Consequently, there is a pressing commercial need for a simple, rapid, and reliable diagnostic method to accurately identify and distinguish functional disorders like IC from other conditions, streamlining patient care and improving health outcomes.

The Technology: The presented technology involves the innovative combination of infrared microspectroscopy (IRMS) with powerful multivariate statistical approaches, such as principal components analysis (PCA), to develop rapid diagnostic methods. By analyzing infrared spectral data from fluid biomedical specimens, this technology enables the identification of specific disease conditions, including functional syndromes like IC, with precision and speed. The methodology involves the following key steps: receiving the fluid biomedical specimen, separating the desired fraction, depositing an aliquot onto a slide, drying the aliquot, and collecting infrared spectral data. Multivariate classification models are then applied to analyze the data, leading to the accurate diagnosis of the patient's condition.

Commercial Applications:

  • Rapid diagnosis of functional syndromes: The technology can be employed to swiftly diagnose conditions such as interstitial cystitis (IC), fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and irritable bowel syndrome, allowing healthcare providers to promptly initiate appropriate treatment plans.
  • Improved patient care and outcomes: With the ability to distinguish functional syndromes from other disorders, medical professionals can provide targeted and effective interventions, minimizing patient suffering and enhancing overall health outcomes.
  • Veterinary medicine: The technology's application is not limited to humans; it can also be adapted for diagnosing disorders, such as feline interstitial cystitis (FIC), in domestic cats, improving veterinary care.


  • Speed and efficiency: By providing rapid diagnostic results from a simple fluid biomedical specimen, the technology reduces the time between suspicion and confirmation of a functional syndrome, expediting treatment initiation.
  • Reliable and accurate: Leveraging multivariate statistical approaches, the technology ensures precise disease identification, minimizing the likelihood of misdiagnoses and unnecessary treatments.
  • Non-invasive and patient-friendly: As the method involves analyzing fluid specimens, it offers a non-invasive and convenient diagnostic approach for patients, enhancing overall patient experience and compliance.
  • Cost-effectiveness: The technology's efficiency in diagnosing functional syndromes can lead to reduced healthcare costs associated with prolonged and inconclusive diagnostic processes.
  • Potential for database integration: The availability of multivariate classification models in reference databases enhances accessibility and fosters collaboration among healthcare professionals, promoting widespread adoption and standardization of diagnostic practices.

In summary, the presented technology revolutionizes the diagnostic landscape by providing a rapid, reliable, and non-invasive method for identifying functional syndromes, addressing a critical commercial need in healthcare. Its applications extend beyond human medicine, encompassing veterinary diagnostics, furthering its potential impact in diverse healthcare settings. With its numerous benefits and advantages, the technology promises to enhance patient care, optimize resource utilization, and streamline diagnostic workflows for medical professionals.

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