Remote Sensing Image Processing Algorithm for Assessing Plant Population at Emergence

An algorithm that processes aerial images to provide farmers with data on crop emergence needed for improving crop management decisions.

The Need:

In today's agriculture industry, the ability to make timely and informed crop management decisions is crucial for maximizing crop yield and profitability. However, the traditional methods of manual scouting and assessment are time-consuming and may not cover large areas effectively. There is a commercial need for a technology that can provide accurate and real-time information about crop emergence rates and population distribution across vast agricultural fields. This technology should enable producers and managers to identify crop production problems early on and make data-driven decisions for optimal crop management.

The Technology:

The presented technology is remote sensing combined with an image processing algorithm designed to accurately detect, assess, quantify, and visually display corn plant emergence rates based on high-resolution aerial imagery. This approach allows users to generate population and emergence rate maps in near "real time." The technology utilizes unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and advanced image processing techniques to gather and process high-quality aerial imagery.

Commercial Applications:

  1. Precision Crop Management: The technology enables producers to make precise crop management decisions over large agricultural areas. By providing population and emergence rate maps, farmers can identify specific areas of interest and take targeted actions, such as replanting, fertilization adjustments, or thinning, to optimize crop stands and improve overall yields.

  2. Early Season Crop Assessment: The technology's ability to assess corn plant emergence rates allows for early-season crop evaluation. Farmers can quickly identify areas with uneven emergence and take proactive measures to mitigate yield loss, leading to better crop performance later in the growing season.

  3. Insurance and Damage Assessment: The image processing algorithm can be extended to assess crop damage caused by natural events such as wind, hail, or floods. Insurance companies can use this technology to accurately quantify crop damage, streamline the claim process, and support timely payouts to affected farmers.


  1. Timely Decision Making: The technology's ability to provide real-time information through remote sensing and image processing allows for quick identification of crop issues and prompt decision making. This can significantly impact crop yields and overall productivity.

  2. Efficient and Accurate: Unlike manual scouting, the algorithm offers a more efficient and accurate method for determining corn plant population and emergence rates. It reduces human error and provides detailed, data-driven insights that are essential for effective crop management.

  3. Scalable and Flexible: The technology can be applied to different growth stages of corn, various image resolutions, and large field areas. Its ability to handle diverse scenarios while maintaining high accuracy makes it a versatile tool for agricultural applications.

  4. Supporting Precision Agriculture: As precision agriculture continues to evolve, the technology plays a crucial role in transforming remote sensed data into actionable information. By integrating with big data and other precision agriculture tools, it enhances overall farm productivity and resource management.

  5. Potential for Expansion: Beyond corn plant emergence, the algorithm's adaptability allows for potential expansion to other crops or agricultural tasks. This opens up new possibilities for developing a range of crop management tools to further enhance agricultural productivity.

By harnessing the power of remote sensing and advanced image processing, this technology offers a groundbreaking solution for modern agricultural challenges. Its ability to provide timely, accurate, and scalable information makes it an indispensable tool for producers, manufacturers, and the agricultural community. With the potential to revolutionize crop management decisions, this technology is set to drive the agriculture industry towards higher productivity and sustainability.

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