“Facing Takeoff”This is a day-long workshop designed to help participants ease their fear of flying on a commercial passenger aircraft. The NeedMany people suffer from anxiety and fear when it comes to riding in commercial airplanes. The idea of being locked in a plane without the ability to choose when to get off is a major contributor to this problem. Additionally, those who are afraid of heights may also struggle with flying in airplanes. One of the main triggers of this fear is past memories or experiences that affect how a person feels about flying. Maybe there was a lot of turbulence on the person's last flight that did not sit well with them afterwards. Or perhaps plane inspection prior to takeoff took much longer than expected and the passenger did not feel entirey safe throughout the flight. The boarding process alone may also frighten people. Airline check-in, Transportation Security Administration passenger screening, and boarding the aircraft can all have a direct impact on a person's flight experience. Fear of flyng is one of the most frequent fears that people are confronted with which only heightens the importance of finding ways to cope with its results. The TechnologyThe technology, entitled "Facing Takeoff", is a day-long workshop aimed to help those interested ease their fear of flying. Included in the workshop is an informative segment on technical material designed to educate the participants on the safety of flying as well as material that focuses on managing the anxiety associated with flying. The workshop is held at a commercial airport and is hosted by experts in both aviation and pschology. The agenda of the course includes a classroom setting where the experts will present the information using "PowerPoint" slides, followed by a simulated airline boarding experience that walks participants through ticketing, security screening, boarding and sitting in the aircraft, and meeting with the flight crew. Participants are also abe to walk around the aircraft on the ramp. Facing Takeoff has been packaged as a stand-alone curriculum and may be licensed to outside entities that are interested in offering this program at other locations. Commercial Applications
Tech IDT2019-098 CollegeLicensing ManagerZinn, Ryan InventorsCategories |