Detector for Ultra-Sensitive Tritium Gas DetectionA metal hydride and gas (MEGA) activated proportional counter for ultra-senitive tritium gas detection The NeedIn 2022, the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) introduced a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for the establishment of a gaseous radioisotope in-situ analysis laboratory (GRAIL). This initiative aims to address a challenge that current commercial products on the market have not met. The BAA specifies a requirement for a tritium gas detection system with sensitivity orders of magnitude higher than the existing detector system available for measuring ultra-low levels of tritium. The highest sensitivity currently provided by commercially available detectors is 0.01 μCi/m3, The TechnologyResearchers at The Ohio State University, led by Dr. Lei (Raymond) Cao, have developed a novel concept aimed at fulfilling the requirement for detecting ultra-low concentrations of tritium. This idea combines the well-established technology utilized in the hydrogen storage industry, namely metal hydride formation, with the widely used gas proportional counter for tritium detection thereby enabling a dector with the highest sensitivity but also at a low cost. The innovation is the integration of a metal hydride with a gas detector, referred to as MEGA (Metal and Gas) sensor, within an ionization counter. Commercial Applications
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