3D Object-based Segmentation-based Quantification of Spatial Protein Organization (OBS3D)

Protein analysis is foundational to understanding human physiology and is helpful for basic research, diagnosis, guiding treatment, and monitoring of human disease. There are several widely used platforms for evaluating protein function. The primary tools used in protein analysis on cells and tissues include antibody/aptamer, fluorescent detection systems, and mass spectrometry.

The Need

Colocalization analysis is the current standard technique for assessing spatial association of co‐labeled proteins in cells using multicolor immunofluorescence images. However, these tools are limited because multiple antigens nearby exhibit overlapping staining, which leads to inaccurate analysis.

The Technology

This new software quantitatively assesses the multiple co-labeled and localized proteins in cells and tissues from existing fluorescence microscopy techniques. It offers the size, density, and other properties of clusters of proteins and the distribution of distances between clusters of co‐labeled proteins. Thus far, the inventors have prototyped the software and demonstrated initial proof of concept within the laboratory.

Commercial Applications

This invention can be used to analyze protein colonization from immunofluorescence imaging techniques.


This software can extrapolate individual signals and improve 3D protein analysis and disease research compared to traditional analysis tools, which cannot differentiate overlapping proteins.

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