# of Displayed Technologies: 20 / 702


A device for improving the breakdown performance of gallium oxide semiconductors
TS-067551 — Gallium Oxide (Ga2O3) is an inorganic compound with semi-conductivity properties (e.g., a large bandgap) that can be used for developing power electronics, UV photodetectors, solar cells, and sensors. βeta-Ga2O3, a polymorph, has a distinct advantage over other semiconductors that have high cri…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Dheenan, Ashok; Dhara, Sushovan; Rajan, Siddharth
  • Licensing Officer: Zinn, Ryan

Optimal and Pure Leaf Classification Trees for Machine Learning (ML) Decision-Making
TS-067550 — A method to improve the performance and accuracy of ML-based decision trees.
Decision trees are popular machine learning (ML) methods used in classification and regression problems, and they have numerous applications in the real world. Various industries use decision trees to help decide strategies, investments, and operations. In addition, they are used in healthcare to he…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Allen, Theodore; Arrey, Evelyn; Booth, Matthew; Liu, Enhao; Mashayekhi, Medhi
  • Licensing Officer: Zinn, Ryan

Method of repurposing spacecraft dust as an agricultural material
TS-067535 — The Need In future decades, more people than ever will be spending time in space. Current crop production systems onboard spacecraft are not self-sustainable, relying on fertilizer and substrate materials that must be launched from Earth. These resupply missions can cost thousands of dollars per po…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Nastasi, Nicholas; Dannemiller, Karen
  • Licensing Officer: Ashouripashaki, Mandana

Unlocking Hidden Opportunities: The Power of Multi-Solution Spatial Aggregation
TS-067434 — The Need Spatial aggregation is crucial in numerous industries where data from low-level spatial units, such as census blocks, must be grouped into larger, meaningful regions. Traditional approaches often struggle with the computational complexity of these tasks and tend to focus on finding a singl…
  • College: College of Arts & Sciences
  • Inventors: Xiao, Ningchuan
  • Licensing Officer: Dahlman, Jason "Jay"

FARMS: Streamlining Farm Transition Planning for a Secure Future
TS-067290 — Farm transition planning is a critical yet complex process for producers, often hindered by the challenge of collecting and organizing asset information. Without a clear understanding of what assets are owned, their value, and how they are titled, farm transition planning becomes a guessing game r…
  • College: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES)
  • Inventors: Moore, Robert; Marrison, David
  • Licensing Officer: Panic, Ana

Reed Held: Precision Practice Tool for Oboists
TS-067289 — The Need Oboists often struggle with fundamental elements of their playing, such as pitch accuracy, phrasing, and response, due to the complexity of managing the instrument as a whole. Traditional practice methods may not allow for the isolated focus necessary to correct these specific issues. Ther…
  • College: College of Arts & Sciences
  • Inventors: Held, Abby
  • Licensing Officer: Panic, Ana

Direct Analysis of Air and Water Sensitive Material by In-Chamber Ionization Mass Spectrometry
TS-067160 — The Need Due to the unparalleled ability of Mass spectrometry (MS) to identify and quantify substances at the molecular level it is an indispensable tool in various industries, from pharmaceuticals and forensics to environmental monitoring and materials science. However, the power of MS is often hi…
  • College: College of Arts & Sciences
  • Inventors: Badu-Tawiah, Abraham; Hadad, Christopher; Lalisse, Remy; Sahraeian, Taghi; Wu, Yiying; Zheng, Jingfeng
  • Licensing Officer: Panic, Ana

Co-Axial Contained Electrospray Ionization Platform for Mass Spectrometry
TS-067158 — The Need Mass spectrometry (MS) is used across a wide range of applications for detection of various chemical analytes such as drug metabolites, pesticides, food adulterants, and natural product extracts. Recent developments have transformed MS into an all-purpose technique for in-situ and real-tim…
  • College: College of Arts & Sciences
  • Inventors: Badu-Tawiah, Abraham; Burris, Benjamin "Ben"; Grooms, Alex; Heiss, Derik; Kulyk, Dmytro
  • Licensing Officer: Panic, Ana

AIDRIN (AI Data Readiness Inspector)
TS-067116 — AIDRIN (AI Data Readiness INspector) is a system designed to comprehensively evaluate datasets through a diverse range of metrics, giving an overall perspective on their readiness for AI applications.
In the contemporary digital landscape, the explosive growth in data generation has created a pressing need for efficient and scalable database systems. Traditional databases struggle with the increasing volume, variety, and velocity of data, leading to performance bottlenecks, high operational cos…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Byna, Suren; Hiniduma, Kaveen
  • Licensing Officer: Zinn, Ryan

Endoscopic additive manufacturing of conductors and wireless implants
TS-067045 — The Need Wireless implants with integrated antennas are highly desirable for diagnostic, therapeutic, and monitoring applications due to their ability to communicate directly with external devices. However, the need for major surgical incisions to implant these devices poses significant risks, incl…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Kiourti, Asimina; Dontha, Balaji; Hoelzle, David; Li, Jinghua; Moulod, Mohammad
  • Licensing Officer: Randhawa, Davinder

Novel Quantitative Method to Detect Mold Growth in Buildings
TS-066963 — The Need Exposure to mold in homes costs billions of dollars every year. Exposure is particularly harmful to the 8% of the United States population that suffers from asthma; a leading cause of disability in children. Currently, odor, visible mold growth, and dampness are the best indicators of mold…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Dannemiller, Karen; Balasubrahmaniam, Neeraja; Bope, Ashleigh
  • Licensing Officer: Ashouripashaki, Mandana

Dust Analysis: A Novel Approach to Monitoring Viral Spread
TS-066962 — The Need Viral disease surveillance (e.g. influenza, SARS-CoV-2) in high-risk settings faces several challenges, such as asymptomatic carriers, incomplete reporting, resource limitations, and delayed diagnosis of traditional swab test methods. These challenges could allow a virus to silently spread…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Dannemiller, Karen; Faith, Seth; Hull, Natalie; Nastasi, Nick; Renninger, Nicole
  • Licensing Officer: Ashouripashaki, Mandana

Smartphone Detection Kit for Airborne Formaldehyde and Allergens
TS-066960 — The Need Indoor air can be polluted by various sources, including building materials, furniture, cleaning products, and even people. Exposure to these resulting contaminants and allergens can lead to a variety of health problems, such as respiratory irritation, allergies, and even cancer. It is cur…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Dannemiller, Karen; Parquette, Jonathan; Qin, Rongjun
  • Licensing Officer: Ashouripashaki, Mandana

Color Correction System for Accurate Colorimetric Smartphone Measurements
TS-066957 — The Need Colorimetric tests and remote image analysis are used in a wide range of industrial and medical applications. Digital image-based measurements made with smartphones are a promising platform to quantify colors at low cost, but suffer from inconsistency and errors caused by lens quality, sen…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Dannemiller, Karen; Panescu, Jenny; Qin, Rongjun; Song, Shuang; Zhang, Guixiang
  • Licensing Officer: Ashouripashaki, Mandana

Unveiling the Nanoscale: Breakthrough Analytical Speed of Real-Time Super-Resolution Microscopy and Beyond
TS-066926 — This Ohio State University software innovation offers groundbreaking analytical speed and automation of Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy (SMLM) as well as analysis of 3D data and images extending beyond the field of microscopy. Our technology offers real-time spatial analysis in continuous and discrete space, enabling unprecedented speed and efficiency in data processing that translates into faster decision-making, high-throughput screening capabilities, and broad applicability beyond traditional microscopy.
Single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) describes a family of fast-evolving, powerful imaging techniques that dramatically improve spatial resolution over standard, diffraction-limited microscopy techniques and can image biological structures at the molecular scale. SMLM can now be performe…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Soltisz, Andrew; Veeraraghavan, Rengasayee
  • Licensing Officer: Zinn, Ryan

Humanized SSTR2 mAb and ADC to target SSTR2+ tumors
TS-066912 — Targeted humanized mAbs and ADCs for cancer treatment
The Liu Lab Dr. Xiaoguang “Margaret” Liu applies her industry experience (Lonza, Merck, and Life Technologies) in cell line and process development towards her lab’s focus on targeted anti-cancer therapies including monoclonal antibodies, antibody-drug conjugates, and gene therapi…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Liu, Xiaoguang "Margaret"; Zhou, Lufang
  • Licensing Officer: Schworer, Adam

Advanced Sensor Housing for Environmental Monitoring in Precision Agriculture and Beyond
TS-066793 — The Need In agriculture, the accurate measurement of gasses such as nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) is crucial for optimizing fertilizer use, minimizing greenhouse gas emissions, and reducing air pollution. Current monitoring technologies are often expensive, complex, and not suitable…
  • College: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES)
  • Inventors: Khanal, Sami; Bevers, Noah; Shearer, Scott; Tkach, Chris
  • Licensing Officer: Dahlman, Jason "Jay"

Small Molecule USP30 Inhibitors for the Treatment and Prevention of Cardiomyopathy
TS-066773 — The Need Cardiomyopathy, a disease of the heart muscle, poses significant public health challenges due to its diverse causes, symptoms, and potential complications, including heart failure and arrhythmias. With cardiomyopathy often induced by drugs, such as anthracyclines used in chemotherapy, ther…
  • College: College of Medicine (COM)
  • Inventors: Sun, Nuo; Krigman, Judith; Yang, Mingchong; Zhang, Ruohan
  • Licensing Officer: Willson, Christopher

Biofilm Detachment Monitoring for Enhanced Oral Health Solutions
TS-066772 — The Need Biofilms, particularly dental plaque-biofilms, are communities of microorganisms encased in a slimy extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) that adhere to surfaces or neighboring microorganisms. These biofilms are responsible for various infectious diseases, including oral diseases such as…
  • College: College of Medicine (COM)
  • Inventors: Stoodley, Paul; Gloag, Erin
  • Licensing Officer: Willson, Christopher

Innovative Biomarker Technology for Detecting and Treating Endothelial Injury in Neurological Disorders
TS-066771 — Endothelial injury is a significant pathological mechanism underlying various neurological disorders, including neurodegenerative, neuroinflammatory, and cerebrovascular diseases. Current clinical and research settings lack reliable biomarkers to detect or measure endothelial injury in the human C…
  • College: College of Medicine (COM)
  • Inventors: Al Tarawneh, Rawan
  • Licensing Officer: Willson, Christopher

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