# of Displayed Technologies: 3 / 3

Applied Category Filter (Click To Remove): Mobility


System and Method of Securing Vehicle-Pavement Interaction (Tago)
TS-063169 — Road safety is a paramount concern. Unpredictable road conditions, such as bumps and uneven surfaces, can pose significant risks to drivers. There is a pressing need for a technology that can sense and alert drivers about these road surface conditions in real-time, enhancing safety and improving t…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Srinivasan, Kannan; Sun, Wei
  • Licensing Officer: Randhawa, Davinder

Method for real-time estimation of aeroelastic flutter using the parametric flutter margin
TS-062490 — An exemplary parametric flutter margin method and associated system that can be used to identify the structural dynamic characteristics of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle’s wing in a series of Ground Vibration Tests (GVTs) and initial flight-testing study.
The Need In the aerospace industry, ensuring the safety and certification of aircraft is of paramount importance. One critical challenge faced during the certification process is aeroelastic flutter, an unstable phenomenon that can lead to catastrophic consequences. Conventional flight-testing meth…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: McCrink, Matthew
  • Licensing Officer: Randhawa, Davinder

Vehicle-in-Virtual-Environment Method for Autonomous Driving System Development and Evaluation
TS-054005 — This technology is a Vehicle-in-Virtual Environment (VVE) method for testing and evaluating Autonomous Vehicles (AV). The VVE approach is a safe, reliable, repetitive, and scalable method of testing AVs, decreasing the risks and costs of testing AVs on public roads.
The demand for autonomous vehicles continues to grow as companies and cities realize the effect on the costs, safety, and efficiency that AVs have on everyday lives. Initiatives such as MCity in Detroit, Michigan, and Smart City in Columbus, Ohio, show a strong commitment to the development of aut…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Guvenc, Levent; Aksun Guvenc, Bilin
  • Licensing Officer: Randhawa, Davinder

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