Generation of T cell-specific CXCR3 Transgenic mouse

The Need: Addressing Susceptibility to Cutaneous Leishmaniasis

Cutaneous leishmaniasis, caused by the intracellular parasite Leishmania major and transmitted by sand flies, poses a significant threat to susceptible populations. This disfiguring disease results in large skin lesions, impacting both physical health and overall well-being. Susceptible individuals, particularly those with compromised immune responses, face increased risks of severe infection and prolonged suffering. To address this urgent medical need, a technology has been developed to target and enhance the body's resistance to Leishmania major infection, offering a potential solution for vulnerable populations.

The Technology: CXCR3 Transgenic Expression

The technology revolves around the chemokine receptor CXCR3, which has been identified as a critical factor in mediating resistance to cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania major. In susceptible individuals, the expression of CXCR3 on T cells is inefficient, leading to a diminished immune response. To counteract this, transgenic mice have been generated with CXCR3 overexpressed on their T cells, aiming to enhance resistance to L. major infection. However, the results from these transgenic mice have yielded unexpected insights.

Commercial Applications:

  • Targeted Treatment: The technology offers a targeted approach to address susceptibility to cutaneous leishmaniasis in vulnerable populations.
  • Vaccine Development: Findings from the transgenic mice can aid in vaccine development efforts to create better preventive measures.
  • Immunomodulation Research: Researchers can utilize this technology to gain deeper insights into the immune response and identify potential avenues for immunomodulation in related diseases.


  • Enhanced Understanding: The technology has provided valuable insights into the role of CXCR3 in the immune response to L. major infection.
  • Potential Treatment Refinement: Despite the initial unexpected results, these findings can guide researchers towards refining treatment strategies and target specific aspects of the immune response.
  • Tailored Immunotherapies: This technology opens possibilities for developing tailored immunotherapies to address susceptibility to cutaneous leishmaniasis based on individual immune profiles.

In conclusion, the CXCR3 transgenic expression technology represents a significant advancement in the understanding and potential treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis. By shedding light on the immune response mechanisms, it offers researchers and medical professionals new opportunities to combat this disfiguring disease and improve the lives of susceptible individuals.

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