Monoclonal Antibodies for Soybean Rust Diagnostic Assay

The Need: As agriculture faces increasing challenges from plant pathogens, rapid and accurate detection methods are crucial to safeguarding crop yields and ensuring food security. Traditional methods of pathogen detection often suffer from delays in diagnosis, leading to significant crop damage and economic losses. There is a critical need for advanced technologies that can swiftly and reliably identify pathogens before visible symptoms manifest, enabling timely intervention and mitigation strategies.

The Technology: Our technology features four hybridoma cell lines engineered to secrete monoclonal antibodies with high reactivity and specificity towards a surface protein found in the soybean rust pathogen, Phakopsora pachyrhizi. These monoclonal antibodies facilitate the early detection of the pathogen in soybean leaf extracts, even before visible symptoms appear on infected plants. The antibodies are compatible with both enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and lateral flow immunochemical diagnostic assays, providing versatile and efficient detection solutions for agricultural stakeholders.

Commercial Applications:

  • Early detection of Phakopsora pachyrhizi in soybean crops
  • Monitoring and surveillance of soybean rust outbreaks in agricultural fields
  • Quality control assessments in soybean seed production and distribution channels


  • Swift and accurate detection of soybean rust pathogen, enabling timely intervention measures to prevent crop damage
  • Versatility in diagnostic methods, allowing for integration into existing agricultural testing workflows
  • Reduction in economic losses associated with soybean rust outbreaks through proactive management strategies
  • Enhanced crop health and productivity by facilitating early identification and control of pathogenic threats
  • Increased confidence among farmers and agricultural stakeholders through reliable and sensitive diagnostic capabilities

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