# of Displayed Technologies: 10 / 10

Applied Category Filter (Click To Remove): Purification & Sorting


Direct Analysis of Air and Water Sensitive Material by In-Chamber Ionization Mass Spectrometry
TS-067160 — The Need Due to the unparalleled ability of Mass spectrometry (MS) to identify and quantify substances at the molecular level it is an indispensable tool in various industries, from pharmaceuticals and forensics to environmental monitoring and materials science. However, the power of MS is often hi…
  • College: College of Arts & Sciences
  • Inventors: Badu-Tawiah, Abraham; Hadad, Christopher; Lalisse, Remy; Sahraeian, Taghi; Wu, Yiying; Zheng, Jingfeng
  • Licensing Officer: Panic, Ana

Advanced Mass Spectrometry Hybrid Ionization Technology for Comprehensive Molecular Analysis
TS-066752 — In today's fast-paced commercial and scientific environments, there is an increasing demand for precise and efficient analytical techniques capable of handling complex mixtures with diverse physicochemical properties. Existing ionization techniques like Electrospray Ionization (ESI) and Atmosp…
  • College: College of Arts & Sciences
  • Inventors: Badu-Tawiah, Abraham; Damale, Purva; Grooms, Alex; Kulyk, Dmytro
  • Licensing Officer: Panic, Ana

System for automated high-speed imaging and genetic manipulation of C. elegans on agar media
TS-065892 — The Need The microscopic worm C. elegans is a model animal studied in more than 1500 biological and medical research laboratories worldwide due to its genetic manipulability and optical transparency. In C. elegans research, the manual process of picking worms between plates presents a significant …
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Fang-Yen, Christopher "Chris"; Alhalbi, Serge; Li, Zihao
  • Licensing Officer: Randhawa, Davinder

SUMO^RIT Tag: Revolutionizing Downstream Gene Translation
TS-065844 — The Need: In modern biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, precise control over gene expression is paramount. However, conventional translation processes often lead to inefficiencies, resulting in reduced yields and compromised protein function. Meeting the demand for enhanced gene expression …
  • College: College of Arts & Sciences
  • Inventors: Law, Jamison
  • Licensing Officer: Panic, Ana

Revolutionizing RNA-Protein Interaction Mapping: Precision Proximity Labeling Technology
TS-065456 — The Need In modern biological research, there is a pressing demand for technologies that enable precise mapping of RNA-protein interactions within Ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes. Traditional methods often lack the capability to pinpoint these interactions at the level of secondary structure moti…
  • College: College of Arts & Sciences
  • Inventors: Bong, Dennis; Liang, Yufeng; Miao, Shiqin "Shiqin"
  • Licensing Officer: Panic, Ana

A modified intein for temperature sensitive applications
TS-063697 — Controlled Protein Release Over a Broad Range of Temperatures
The Need: In the biotechnology field, the demand for efficient protein purification methods and innovative drug delivery solutions is ever-growing. Researchers and companies require technologies that can streamline the purification process, ensuring high yields and purity, while offering versatile …
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Wood, David; Coolbaugh, Michael; Stimple, Samuel "Sam"; Yuan, Hongyu
  • Licensing Officer: Dahlman, Jason "Jay"

Fluorescent probes for intracellular RNA tracking
TS-062554 — The Need: Intracellular RNA fluorescence labeling is a crucial technique for studying cellular processes and understanding gene expression. However, the conventional MS2 labeling method using protein fusion labels can have drawbacks, such as increased mass, potential steric accessibility issues, and…
  • College: College of Arts & Sciences
  • Inventors: Bong, Dennis; Liang, Yufeng
  • Licensing Officer: Panic, Ana

Ion Carpet-Based Surface-Induced Dissociation Device
TS-062342 — The Need In the field of mass spectrometry (MS), the study of proteins and protein complexes in their native form, known as native MS, has become crucial in understanding their structure and function. However, the current collision-induced dissociation (CID) technique used in tandem MS experiments …
  • College: College of Arts & Sciences
  • Inventors: Wysocki, Vicki; Gilbert, Joshua; Stiving, Alyssa
  • Licensing Officer: Dahlman, Jason "Jay"

Programmable Magnetic Platform for Biomolecular Sorting
TS-062300 — The Need: In modern research and diagnostics, there is a growing demand for an advanced technology that can efficiently isolate, manipulate, and sort individual micro- or nano-scale biomolecules such as cells, viruses, DNA, proteins, and peptides. Traditional methods have proven to be slow, power-in…
  • College: College of Arts & Sciences
  • Inventors: Sooryakumar, Ratnasingham; Chalmers, Jeffrey; Henighan, Thomas; Vieira, Gregory
  • Licensing Officer: Panic, Ana

Novel small peptide polarizing agents for dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy
TS-038322 — Versatile small biradical peptide molecules that can serve as biradical polarizing agents for dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
DNP methodology offers dramatic sensitivity enhancements of NMR experiments (up to 1-2 orders of magnitude) by transferring the large electron spin polarization to the nuclei of interest, and is currently one of the research frontiers in the magnetic resonance field with numerous applications to b…
  • College: College of Arts & Sciences
  • Inventors: Jaroniec, Christopher; Conroy, Daniel
  • Licensing Officer: Panic, Ana

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