# of Displayed Technologies: 3 / 3

Applied Category Filter (Click To Remove): Emergency/Critical Care/Trauma


An AI Solution for Mobile Stroke Detection for TeleMedicine, Hospital and Paramedic Use
TS-060782 — Problem Statement: Diagnosis of arterial occlusion and an associated stroke can be lengthy, delaying patient access to treatment. As large vessel occlusions account for 24 to 46% of acute ischemic strokes and may require treatment in a comprehensive stroke center, early diagnosis is key. Solution:…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Yilmaz, Alper; Gulati, Deepak Kumar
  • Licensing Officer: Hampton, Andrew

Protecting Against Chemical Threats: A Revolutionary Solution
TS-044619 — The Need: The threat of chemical weapons, such as sarin gas and VX, looms large in today's world. These organophosphorus (OP) nerve agents can cause rapid and devastating neurological damage, leading to paralysis, respiratory failure, and death. Current treatments, like oximes, are ineffective …
  • College: College of Arts & Sciences
  • Inventors: Hadad, Christopher; Callam, Christopher; Corrigan, Thomas; Dicken, Rachel; Dogan Ekici, Ozlem; Fitzpatrick, Keegan; Franjesevic, Andrew; McElroy, Craig; McKenney, Ryan; Muthukrishnan, Siva; Sanan, Toby; Vyas, Shubham; Yoder, Ryan; Young, Amneh "Amneh"
  • Licensing Officer: Panic, Ana

Junctional Tourniquet for Groin and Axillary Regions
TS-041808 — A tourniquet with a ratcheting lock to keep pressure on wounds in the groin and axillary regions. Hemostasis can be achieved while the patient is still in the field.
Patients with blood loss in the field need to be treated immediately to prevent ongoing blood loss, shock, and death; bleeding from extremity and junctional wounds is the leading cause of potentially preventable death from penetrating injuries. Direct manual pressure is effective for the initial c…
  • College: OSU Wexner Medical Center
  • Inventors: Nocera, Tanya; Graham, Nadi; McElroy, James
  • Licensing Officer: Taysavang, Panya

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