# of Displayed Technologies: 7 / 7

Applied Category Filter (Click To Remove): Assistive Technologies & Adaptive Equipment


Automated Endotracheal Intubation
TS-062900 — This cutting-edge technology redefines the intubation process by guiding the endotracheal tube into the airway with exceptional precision.
The Need Intubation is a critical medical procedure used to assist patients with breathing difficulties, executed through the insertion of an endotracheal tube (ET) into the windpipe. With over 313 million annual intubation procedures worldwide, ensuring first-pass success and minimizing complicati…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Ruegsegger, Mark; Elsayed-Awad, Hamdy; Hopping, Ethan; Lopez Vogler, Christian; Miles, Tim; Peiffer, Jordan
  • Licensing Officer: Bhatti, Hamid

Enhancing Surgical Precision with Anti-TAG-72 Imaging Agents
TS-062548 — The Need: Enhancing Surgical Precision with Anti-TAG-72 Imaging Agents Colorectal carcinoma is a significant medical challenge, with a high incidence rate in the USA. Current surgical approaches, along with external imaging technologies, have limitations in accurately detecting cancerous tissues, l…
  • College: College of Medicine (COM)
  • Inventors: Gong, Li; Tweedle, Michael
  • Licensing Officer: Willson, Christopher

Methods to measure biophysical attributes of the posterior eye
TS-062505 — The Need Glaucoma and myopia are significant causes of vision loss worldwide, affecting millions of people and imposing a substantial socioeconomical burden. Effective vision care strategies are urgently needed to reduce blindness caused by these conditions and mitigate their associated risks. In v…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Liu, Jun; Kwok, Sunny
  • Licensing Officer: Randhawa, Davinder

Methods for quantifying the biomechanical attributes of the cornea and the anterior sclera
TS-062497 — The Need: The field of ophthalmology requires advanced diagnostic tools to effectively diagnose, prevent, and treat various eye conditions. While ultrasound imaging is well-known in fields like pregnancy check-ups and vascular imaging, its potential in ophthalmology remains largely untapped. There …
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Liu, Jun; Kwok, Sunny
  • Licensing Officer: Randhawa, Davinder

Novel Ergonomic Scalpel Handle
TS-051663 — Alleviate and prevent occupational stresses using this novel scalpel design.
A highly unfortunate outcome of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic is the over 400,000 American deaths that have unexpectedly overloaded medical autopsy services across the United States. With this heightened need for autopsy services previously unseen occupational hazards relating to repetitive motion…
  • College: College of Medicine (COM)
  • Inventors: Sachire, Jennifer
  • Licensing Officer: Schworer, Adam

Sustained Release Microparticles for the Treatment of Ocular Diseases
TS-038312 — A novel, intravitreal microparticle injection capable of controlled-release of protein therapies (including anti-VEGF) for tunable periods of 6-12 months after injection for the treatment of age-related macular degeneration.
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in individuals 65 and older and is the third leading cause of blindness worldwide. Wet AMD is characterized by abnormal growth of leaky blood vessels leading to damage to the macula of the retina resulting in vision loss and …
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Jiang, Pengfei; Ohr, Matthew; Reilly, Katelyn
  • Licensing Officer: Schworer, Adam

Multi-carrier processing in auditory prosthetic devices
TS-014871 — Encoding strategy for improvement of speech understanding in a noisy environment for audiotory prosthetic devices.
There are about 275 million adults globally with moderate to severe hearing loss and 360 million adults with mild hearing loss. The current solutions to allow these people to hear better include hearing aids, hearing loss counseling, cochlear implants, alerting devices, and other communication aid…
  • College: College of Arts & Sciences
  • Inventors: Apoux, Frederic; Healy, Eric
  • Licensing Officer: Dahlman, Jason "Jay"

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