# of Displayed Technologies: 7 / 7

Applied Category Filter (Click To Remove): Training Models/Simulations


Empowering Financial Wellness: Scarlet and Gray Financial's Innovative Solutions
TS-065817 — The Need In today's dynamic financial landscape, individuals, especially students, require personalized and accessible financial guidance to navigate their financial journey effectively. Scarlet and Gray Financial recognizes the pressing need for tailored peer-to-peer financial coaching to empo…
  • College: Office of Student Life
  • Inventors: Patella, Michelle
  • Licensing Officer: Dahlman, Jason "Jay"

The Six Feelings Framework for Autism Planning and Design Standards
TS-064243 — The Need: In the realm of urban planning and design, a critical need has emerged to address the unique requirements of adults with autism. The Six Feelings Framework responds to the imperative of creating inclusive public spaces where individuals on the autism spectrum can not only coexist but also…
  • College: College of Engineering (COE)
  • Inventors: Ezell, Jonathan; Korniyenko, Galyna "Gala"; Stein, Rick
  • Licensing Officer: Dahlman, Jason "Jay"

Mass Casualty Incident Virtual Reality Training Simulation
TS-062343 — The Need: In the face of mass casualty incidents, first responders play a critical role in saving lives and minimizing the impact of disasters. However, traditional training methods using mock patients or mannequin simulators for mass casualty triage are costly, challenging to replicate, and requir…
  • College: College of Arts & Sciences
  • Inventors: Price, Alan; Berezina-Blackburn, Vitalya; Oliszewski, Alex; Swearingen, Scott; Winegardner, Zachary
  • Licensing Officer: Dahlman, Jason "Jay"

Scientific Thinkers: A k-5 outreach program engaging students, teachers, college student volunteers and families in hands-on science and math activities.
TS-040087 — Scientific Thinkers: A k-5 outreach program engaging students, teachers, college student volunteers and families in hands-on science and math activities.
Students from economically disadvantaged areas face additional obstacles that make it difficult to receive a quality education and continually pursue that education. Many of these areas also consist of ethnic backgrounds that are underrepresented in the scientific community. A program that allows …
  • College: College of Arts & Sciences
  • Inventors: Trivedi, Nandini; Howdyshell, Marci; McCombs, Michelle
  • Licensing Officer: Dahlman, Jason "Jay"

K-12 Education Multimedia Case Studies
TS-015018 — Development of multimedia case studies that illustrate how teachers and school leaders address challenges with planning and teaching technology-rich lessons.
Technology is becoming increasingly important to almost every aspect of modern day careers. Therefore, schools are working to ensure every child is sufficiently prepared to operate in a technology dependent environment. However, many barriers exist when trying to implement technology rich lessons …
  • College: College of Education & Human Ecology
  • Inventors: Anthony, Anika; Cristol, Dean; Voithofer, Richard "Rick"
  • Licensing Officer: Dahlman, Jason "Jay"

TS-014949 — An online homework system for a massive open online Calculus One course designed to help students continually work within their proximal development.
Currently, there are no online unrestricted Calculus courses that are for all students. Many students learn Calculus in a classroom setting and cannot advance through their own schedule and at their own pace. Online courses are growing steadily throughout the US which is promoted through college c…
  • College: College of Arts & Sciences
  • Inventors: Fowler, James; Gubkin, Steven; Kowalick, Ryan; Snapp, Bart; Thiel, Johann
  • Licensing Officer: Dahlman, Jason "Jay"

College Prep 8 and D.R.E.A.M. Program
TS-014827 — A program that guides underrepresented junior high and high school students through the college admissions process.
The Need: Students in underprivileged communities throughout Ohio often lack the necessary support and resources to pursue a college education, hindering their chances of achieving long-term financial stability. Without proper guidance, these students face significant barriers in navigating the comp…
  • College: Lima Campus
  • Inventors: Patton, Temple
  • Licensing Officer: Dahlman, Jason "Jay"

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